Where Did Amy Poehler Go To College?

Amy Poehler is one of the most popular comedians and actresses of the past couple decades. She got her big break in television on Saturday Night Live and went on to star in hit shows like Parks and Recreation. But before making it big, Poehler spent time studying and honing her craft in college. So where exactly did Amy Poehler go to college?

What College Did Amy Poehler Attend?

Amy Poehler attended Boston College for college, graduating in 1993 with a bachelor’s degree. Boston College (BC) is a private Jesuit research university located in Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts.

Some key details on Amy Poehler’s college background:

  • Poehler graduated from Boston College in 1993 with a bachelor’s degree
  • She studied media and communications while at BC
  • While at college, Poehler became involved in the improv comedy scene
  • She joined an improv troupe called My Mother’s Fleabag
  • Performing with her improv group is where Poehler first got experience with sketch comedy

So while at Boston College, Poehler not only got her degree but also gained vital early experience in comedy and improv that set the foundation for her future career.

What Was Amy Poehler’s Major in College?

While attending Boston College, Amy Poehler chose to major in media and communications.

This meant her studies focused on areas like:

  • Media theory
  • Media effects
  • Interpersonal communications
  • Public speaking
  • Media law and ethics

Choosing this communications-focused major aligned well with Poehler’s interests and talents, which she would eventually leverage into a career in television and film. Studying communications also helped build skills relevant to comedy and performance.

So media and communications proved to be the perfect undergraduate major for Poehler as she prepared for her comedy career during her time at Boston College.

Did Amy Poehler Join Social Groups or Clubs in College?

In addition to focusing on her studies, Amy Poehler made sure to get involved with extracurricular activities during her time at Boston College. Most notably, she joined an on-campus improv comedy troupe.

Improv Group at Boston College

Group NameMy Mother’s Fleabag
Year Founded1981
Type of ComedyShort form improvisational comedy
Notable AlumniAmy Poehler, Mike O’Malley

This improv group, called My Mother’s Fleabag, performed both short and long form improvisation comedy around Boston while Poehler was a member. It proved to be vital training ground for her as a young performer.

Poehler has said getting involved with improv at Boston College helped her gain confidence and courage, teaching her not to fear failure or embarrassment. Those lessons were invaluable foundations for later launching onto the high-stakes stage of Saturday Night Live.

So getting involved in campus extracurricular activities like improv gave Poehler not just friendships but formative performance experience.

How Did Attending Boston College Prepare Amy Poehler for Fame?

By offering both an academic media education alongside opportunities for real-world comedy experience, Boston College proved the perfect preparation for Amy Poehler’s future fame and success.

A few key ways that attending Boston College prepared her include:

  • Getting a basis in comedy theory and performance: Through her communications coursework and by involvement with the improv comedy troupe on campus, Poehler built her foundational knowledge of what makes comedy work.
  • Developing confidence and comfort performing: The regular improv comedy performances eliminated stage fright and self-consciousness, critical assets for Poehler’s future TV work.
  • Trying different creative pursuits: Poehler experimented with sketch comedy writing and directing in addition to acting during college, allowing her to discover what she liked most.
  • Building a peer performance network: Friends Poehler made through her improv group like Mike O’Malley went on to have entertainment success as well.

So while at Boston College, Amy Poehler had access to all the resources – both academic and practical experience – to maximize her talents and interests in preparation for her star turn after college.

Did Amy Poehler Graduate College?

Yes, Amy Poehler graduated from Boston College in 1993 with a bachelor’s degree after completing a major in media and communications.

So while she was heavily invested in comedy pursuits outside her academics, Poehler also made sure to complete her actual college coursework and earn her degree during her time at university.

Earning her Boston College communications degree gave Poehler essential learning about media while also providing her with a backup plan had her aspirations for fame not panned out.


In conclusion, Amy Poehler laid the foundation for her massively successful comedy career during her time at Boston College. By pursuing a major relevant to her performance interests while simultaneously getting deeply involved with the improv comedy scene on campus, Boston College turned out to provide the perfect blend of both academic and practical education for this star-to-be.

Poehler graduated in 1993 ready to take on Hollywood, having nurtured both her creative talents and confidence through her experiences with sketch comedy and improv while at college in Boston. So Boston College was where Amy Poehler planted the seeds for fame – seeds that quickly sprouted once she made her way to New York City after graduation.

Frequently Asked Questions About Amy Poehler and College

Where did Amy Poehler attend college?

Amy Poehler attended Boston College, graduating in 1993 with a bachelor’s degree. Boston College is located in Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts – just outside the city of Boston.

What did Amy Poehler major in for college?

Amy Poehler completed a major in media and communications while earning her bachelor’s degree from Boston College.

Did Amy Poehler do improv comedy in college?

Yes – while studying at Boston College, Poehler joined an on-campus improv comedy troupe called My Mother’s Fleabag. She regularly performed improv and sketch comedy around Boston with them.

Was Amy Poehler involved in anything else outside academics in college?

In addition to spending significant time with improv comedy while at school, Poehler also made short films and pursued playwriting projects with her friends at Boston College. But improv comedy remained her major extracurricular pursuit.

Where did Amy Poehler live during her time at Boston College?

Poehler lived with several other female students in one of Boston College’s signature brick residence halls during her years at BC.

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