Where Did Tom Holland Go To College?

Tom Holland is one of the biggest young stars in Hollywood today, playing Spiderman in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. But before he became a globally recognized actor, Holland was just a normal teenager growing up in London.

Like many young people, he had to decide whether to go to college after finishing high school or pursue his passion for acting right away. So where did Tom Holland end up going to college?

Did Tom Holland Go To College?

No, Tom Holland did not attend college after finishing secondary school. Instead, he chose to focus entirely on his blossoming acting career.

Holland has said in interviews that he considered going to university to study film and drama, but ultimately decided he would get more worthwhile training and experience by working as an actor. With the full support of his parents, he began auditioning for professional roles and landing jobs soon after leaving school.

Why Tom Holland Chose Acting Over College

There are several reasons why Tom Holland decided to skip higher education and devote himself to acting:

  • Early success – Holland started booking major acting jobs like Billy Elliot the Musical as a young teen. This early career momentum likely influenced his choice.
  • Passion for acting – Holland has said he fell in love with acting at a very young age. The pull of pursuing his true passion was strong.
  • Developing skills on the job – He felt he could hone his craft better through real-world experience than in a classroom.
  • Limited finances – As a working-class family, paying for university may have been challenging. Acting provided an income.
  • Artistic drive – Like many creatively gifted young people, Holland felt an urgency to follow his artistic calling rather than postpone it for college.

So a combination of practical factors and a single-minded drive to succeed as an actor led Holland to put all his energy into auditioning and taking any role he could get after high school. There was no time for university when he had a career to build.

Was It Risky For Tom Holland to Skip College?

In hindsight, it’s easy to say Tom Holland made the right choice to skip higher education because his acting career took off rapidly. But at the time, it was a risky decision:

  • He lacked a backup plan if acting hadn’t worked out. Going to university would have given him a safety net.
  • The acting world is infamously difficult to break into. With no college degree to fall back on, he could have struggled financially if he went through a long period of unemployment.
  • He missed out on the life experiences, maturity, and social connections that college provides.
  • He may have had gaps in his education and worldliness without a well-rounded college experience.

However, Holland was committed to doing whatever it took to make it as an actor. He mitigated the risks by continuing to live at home with his parents and relying on their financial and emotional support. He also benefited from a close relationship with his acting coach, who became a mentor and second mother figure.

What Level of Education Does Tom Holland Have?

While Tom Holland does not have a college degree, he did receive a solid foundational education:

  • He attended Donhead, a Roman Catholic preparatory school in London, up until age 16.
  • He has said school was challenging for him due to dyslexia, which went undiagnosed until later in life.
  • After Donhead, he studied at the BRIT School for Performing Arts and Technology for two years and received a diploma.
  • The BRIT School provided intensive training in dance, singing, and acting on top of academics.

So Holland has roughly the equivalent of a high school diploma plus two years of specialized performing arts study. He has noted the BRIT School was pivotal in preparing him for a career in show business.

Did Tom Holland Do Any Professional Development?

Even without college, Tom Holland has sought out opportunities over the years to continue developing his skills:

  • He took method acting training under renowned coach Simon Trinder early in his career.
  • He continued private acting lessons while working, including studying under Ivana Chubbuck, a top Hollywood acting coach.
  • He learned skills like gymnastics, tap dancing, martial arts, and parkour to perform many of his own stunts.
  • He has taken professional dialect lessons to master different accents.
  • On set, he collaborates closely with directors and more experienced co-stars to improve his acting abilities.

So while Holland does not have a college degree, he has demonstrated a lifelong commitment to honing his craft through targeted acting instruction and on-the-job learning. His acting skills and movie star status reflect this dedicated self-development.

How Did Tom Holland’s Career Progress Without College?

Tom Holland’s acting career took off swiftly after leaving secondary school and entering the professional world of entertainment:

  • Age 16 – He made his West End debut playing Michael in Billy Elliot the Musical in 2008. This was his big breakout role after attending many auditions.
  • Age 18 – He made his feature film debut in the disaster film The Impossible (2012), receiving critical praise.
  • Age 20 – He starred as Gregory Cromwell in the BBC miniseries Wolf Hall (2015) and began attracting wider notice.
  • Age 21 – He was cast as Spiderman in Captain America: Civil War (2016), soon signing a 6-picture deal with Marvel.
  • Age 25 – He has now starred as Spiderman in multiple Avengers films and standalone films grossing billions globally.

Along with Spiderman, Holland has landed leading roles in films such as Cherry, The Devil All the Time, and Uncharted, working with top directors. He will play Fred Astaire in an upcoming biopic.

So in just a decade, he went from West End stages to one of the most sought-after actors in Hollywood – all without a university education. His raw talent, tenacity, and good fortune propelled him to remarkable heights very quickly.

Pros and Cons of Tom Holland’s Choice

Tom Holland’s choice to forego college and devote himself fully to acting had both advantages and drawbacks:


  • He was able to focus completely on acting and accelerate his career.
  • He gained real-world experience and mentorship from seasoned professionals.
  • He avoided student loan debt from college tuition fees.
  • He started earning income years earlier than his university-educated peers.


  • He missed out on networking opportunities and friendships formed at college.
  • He lacked a degree to fall back on during unemployment spells early on.
  • He may have gaps in his general knowledge and cultural literacy.
  • He didn’t get a well-rounded education and traditional college experiences.

Overall, while Holland sacrificed the safety net and social enrichment of college, he kickstarted his acting career years earlier than he would have if he had gone to university. For star-driven fields like acting, hands-on experience can outweigh academic learning. But college is still the wiser choice for most people.


While Tom Holland followed an unconventional path to fame and fortune, his tremendous success shows that higher education isn’t necessarily required to achieve your dreams, especially in ultra-competitive fields like acting.

Nevertheless, skipping college was a major risk, and Holland benefited from immense natural talent, family support, sage mentors, and sheer luck on his rapid rise to stardom.

For most people, getting a well-rounded university education is the safer choice, providing networking opportunities and a fallback option during the inevitable struggles that come with chasing ambitious career goals.

But Tom Holland bucked the traditional path and carved out a remarkable career from a young age. His story provides an inspiring example of how with determination, proactivity, and a little luck, some people can thrive without a university degree if they have a focused passion and talent.

Frequently Asked Questions About Tom Holland’s Education and Career

Here are answers to some common questions people have about Tom Holland’s educational background and path to stardom:

Did Tom Holland go to drama school?

Yes, after completing secondary school at Donhead Prep School, Tom Holland attended the BRIT School for Performing Arts and Technology, a free state-funded school that prepares students for careers in the arts and entertainment industry. He studied dance, singing, and drama there full-time for two years.

Where did Tom Holland grow up?

Tom Holland was born and raised in London, England. He comes from a working class South London background and has lived in the Kingston upon Thames area for most of his life.

What performing arts training does Tom Holland have?

In addition to attending the BRIT School, Holland studied ballet as a child and tap dance, gymnastics, hip-hop, parkour and martial arts as he pursued an acting career. He also took private acting lessons to perfect skills like accent training and method acting.

What was Tom Holland’s first big acting job?

At age 12, Tom Holland was chosen to play the lead role of Michael in Billy Elliot the Musical in London’s West End in 2008. This was his big break that launched his acting career. He performed the role for nearly two years.

How did Tom Holland get discovered?

Tom Holland had worked consistently as a child actor on stage and in small TV roles for many years. But he really got discovered when he went through seven rounds of auditions over six months to land the starring role in Billy Elliot. This drew widespread notice within the industry.

How did Tom Holland get the role of Spiderman?

In 2015, Tom Holland auditioned for the Marvel role of Spiderman/Peter Parker by taping himself on his phone performing scenes.

The videos went viral, generating excitement online. Marvel chose him out of over 1,500 candidates because they felt he could portray both an awkward teen and a confident superhero.

What Marvel movies has Tom Holland been in?

So far Tom Holland has portrayed Spiderman in 6 Marvel Cinematic Universe films: Captain America: Civil War, Spider-Man: Homecoming, Avengers: Infinity War, Avengers: Endgame, Spider-Man: Far From Home and Spider-Man: No Way Home. He will reprise the role in at least three more upcoming MCU films.

What other major movies has Tom Holland been in?

In addition to his breakout role in The Impossible and his Spiderman films, Tom Holland has starred in movies like In the Heart of the Sea, The Lost City of Z, Cherry, Chaos Walking, and Uncharted. He has also provided voice work for films like Onward and Spies in Disguise.

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